Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Power of Enthusiasm

I was thinking about you today and I wanted to share this important thought with you. I hope you enjoy it.

Enthusiasm gives you drive, puts your brain in gear to create ideas and solutions to the challenges you are facing.

Enthusiasm releases healthy natural healing hormones in your body that gives you energy and health.

Enthusiasm helps you put past failures behind you, forgive yourself and focus on the powerful positive future God has for you.

Enthusiasm gives you an attractiveness that acts like a magnet that drawing people and success to you.

People enjoy being around enthusiastic people.

Enthusiasm will create a happiness in you, gives you a positive attitude that drives out doubt and fear.

Enthusiasm gives you a healthy self-esteem.Enthusiasm helps you to like yourself in spite of past failures.

Enthusiasm can propel you to the next level in your life, career, and relationships.

Enthusiasm will open your mind to new ways of doing things,

Enthusiasm will weed out negative self limiting thoughts.

Enthusiasm will move you to seek out people who have attained success who you can learn from.

Enthusiasm will give you a thirst for knowledge and wisdom that will grow you.

Enthusiasm gives you courage, boldness and stability.

Enthusiasm will give people the desire to want to be on your team and learn from you.

Enthusiasm will make you a good learner and student.

Enthusiasm will encourage you to step out of your comfort zone in faith and get around other successful people so you can grow in your own development.

Enthusiasm has nothing to do with some egocentric belief in your self and your power and your ability and what you are capable of doing in and of yourself, but recognizing that you do have abilities and talents that can be developed and expanded with the help of others.

Enthusiasm Is a teachable spirit, knowing deep inside yourself that you don’t know everything that but that there are people who can mentor you and help you get to where you are going.

Enthusiasm has many side benefits, several of which are inner peace, self confidence, assurance, optimism, genuine hope.

Enthusiasm goes hand in hand with integrity, honesty and a genuine desire to help others succeed with their best interests at heart.

Enthusiasm can lead to a life of encouragement and fulfillment that includes learning how to encourage yourself and others.

Encourage meaning coming along side someone and giving them courage.

I once heard John Maxwell, author of The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, give a talk called, “The Battle is Won, BEFORE the Battle is Begun”

What does that mean? That means that the outcome of any task or challenge you attempt will be already determined by what you THINK before you begin.

The short young backwoods shepherd boy David could not have stood toe to toe at the battlefront with a nine foot giant name Goliath if he had not already won that battle in his mind. He was under equipped, outsized, outgunned and out manned.

His brothers and the rest of his country’s army stood in the background quivering in fear at the site of this ugly big dude. But he knew he could beat this loudmouthed challenger on his own turf and marched right up to the enemy without fear and knocked him out cold with one small rock and a slingshot.

The battle is won before the battle is begin.

The biggest battle you face is within the space between your ears, your mind.

Maxwell also relates a more contemporary story.

As I write this, it’s the month of March madness. The NCAA basketball finals are being played around the country and Michigan will face North Carolina in the Final Four after Michigan knocked off Kentucky in double overtime in Austin, Texas.

Years ago, when Digger Phelps was Coaching Notre Dame basketball, they were facing John Wooden’s UCLA team in the finals.

UCLA that season had 88 wins and 3 championships under their belt. They were like an unstoppable basketball machine.

How did Coach Phelps train his Notre Dame team to face down this giant?

At practices before the big game, he had the team celebrate as if they had won and go to the basket and CUT DOWN THE NETS!

John Maxwell explains that Digger Phelps understood what it would take to prepare his team to win. By cutting down those nets he instilled in his players that THE BATTLE IS WON BEFORE THE BATTLE IS BEGUN!

And guest what happened.

They went on to beat UCLA by ONE POINT and broke the Bruins winning streak!

You can accomplish the same thing with enthusiasm!

Print this out. Carry it with you. Every day, where ever you are, stop what you are doing and shout out loud. “I AM ENTHUSIASTIC!” I dare you. Watch what starts happening to you. Enthusiasm. It will change your life!

David Henning, President, The Freshstart Company, LLC,
“Solving Problems, Improving Lives” Copyright 2005


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