Tuesday, September 1, 2009


"Can you name 10 people you know that have never had any set-backs, struggles or failures?

How about 5? Okay, name 1.

I'll bet you can't do it, because EVERYONE has faced some kind of struggle in their life. Money, career, relationships, whatever. I've had my share.

The truth is, I feel sorry for someone who's had it easy...WHY? Because the things you go through can turn into the best thing that's ever happened... IF YOU LET THEM!

You probably think I'm joking. Nope. I'm dead serious. And Ican prove it.

There are so many people I've met, read about, heard of or know personally who will tell you point blank... 'I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything in the world...'

These people are actually THANKFUL for what life has thrown at them. Right away? No... it takes time.

According to the psychology stress charts, I SHOULD BE DEAD!...if you add up my stress 'score' based on all the STUFF that came at me through the years.

But I am super excited today to let you know that we have a choice and I chose to get healthier, better, stronger and more successful, IN SPITE OF IT ALL!" How about you?

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