Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Entrepreneur Launches New Business In Spite of Recession

I have a friend in Pennsylvania who I've know for about ten years. Now here's a guy that speaks four languages ( or is it five?). He's very friendly and easy going and a fun guy to be around. We've attended several company conventions in Las Vegas in the past. In fact, as I now recall, we were both on the bill as motivational speakers at a leadership training event in Ohio.

Well, lo and behold, this guy calls me a few months ago and in the midst of the recession has launched a new manufacturing company with a product that has hit the market like a storm. In a very short time he has been in negotiations with national distribution companies and has gathered a seasoned team of representatives to market this cool product that took him six years to develop.

Talk about determination. Six years! Some would consider this the worst time to launch a new company. I beg to differ. Do you homework. The Great Depression was a time when some brand new companies were started by some ambitious entrepreneur's that are still going today. For instance, United Technologies Corporation, an aerospace company, was started in 1929. and in 2008 reported $58.7 BILLION in revenues. That's billion with a "b."

Fred Smith started Federal Express during the oil crisis of 1973 at the Memphis airport. On its first night, in April, FedEx shipped 186 packages to 25 U.S. cities. Ever heard of FedEx?

So I suppose you'd like to know what it is. Right? Fair enough. It is an all natural granola snack cookie. Not just that, he's using a very special fiber ingredient called Konjac fiber. So this all natural granola cookie can be used not only to replace junk food, but also for weight control.

Seems this Konjac fiber gently and safely expands in your stomach and gives you that full feeling for an extended period of time. Cut calories, loose weight. Sounds simple enough. If that weren't enough, it tastes great. Trust me, I've tried it.

So I was commissioned by the company to develop some marketing for them. So here goes. Check out this cool little video and give me your honest opinion. Go ahead, I can take it. Let me know what you think. It's only about 3 minutes. CLICK HERE NOW:

Thanks for checking it out.

About the author: David Henning is the President of the Freshstart Company, LLC and has over thirty years experience as a radio talk show host, radio and television copywriter, newspaper editor and public speaker. Dave is a freelance copywriter and has authored hundreds of articles about helping people get a fresh start in life.

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