We are returning to Kenya early next year and we are asking your help to raise the needed funds to cover travel,food,lodging and MEDICAL SUPPLIES. Will you help?;
Want to help? For your donation of just $100US another Kenya student can have a Kindle pre-loaded with textbooks in their native Swahili language and English. Just click the donate button on the left. Thank you!
AlJazeera News Reports on Kindles for Kids:
This past June our team of 23 people from churches in California, Texas, and North Carolina returned to Kilgoris, Kenya among the Masai tribe where 5 elementary schools and churches have been built in the last twelve years. The schools now service over 450 students.
Three major events occurred on this trip.
1. The huge dedication ceremony at the newest school with hundreds of guests and government officials.
2. The first distribution of Kindles to the students enabling them to access as many as 3000 books in both English and their native Swahili.
3. The establishment of school medical clinics. The doctor and nurses treated over 110 children the very first day of clinic providing treatments like de-worming medicine.
The summer of 2010 saw the digging of the first well finally providing safe clean water for students. We are partnering with another mission group who are raising money for additional wells at our other schools.
Your gift also covers a daily meal for students, medicine, teachers salaries and building of additional schools in the remote areas outside of Kilgoris.
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