Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Is a 401k Your Best Retirement Option?

I found this video from CBS 60 Minutes on You Tube.  Take about 12 minutes if you would like to hear some very enlightening truths about 401k's and how they may not be your safest choice for your retirement.  See for yourself, then you decide.  
It's your retirement.

  A Brief History Of: The 401(k)

"Forget about rescuing banks or unfreezing credit markets. The question on most minds amid the recent market chaos: What does this mean for my 401(k)? With some $3 trillion invested, these plans are the most popular retirement-savings vehicle in the U.S.--and account for a big chunk of the $2 trillion the crisis has wiped from American nest eggs.

The 401(k) plan--named for a section of the Internal Revenue Code--came about thanks to a 1978 congressional provision intended to offer taxpayers breaks on deferred income. In 1980, while trying to streamline a client's profit-sharing plan, benefits consultant Ted Benna realized that the code could be used to create an easy, tax-friendly vehicle for employees to save for retirement. The client passed, but the idea took off: there are now more than 65 million 401(k) accounts, which allow participants to invest in stocks and bonds, often with matching funds from employers--all at a lower cost than the pension plans that 401(k)s replaced. The accounts helped spark a financial-industry boom, funneling billions from under retirement savers' mattresses into mutual funds and the stock market.

But 401(k)s didn't yield smarter investors. In the 1990s, employees at some fast-growing companies kept up to 90% of their 401(k)s in company stock. When Enron and WorldCom tanked in 2001 and '02, they each took more than $800 million in savings with them, prompting landmark lawsuits. The current meltdown has skimmed about 20% from 401(k)s since 2007 and ignited debate over their retirement-income reliability. "Unlike Wall Street executives, American families don't have a golden parachute to fall back on," said California Representative George Miller at an Oct. 7 hearing on retirement savings. At least they still have mattresses."  By Alyssa Fetini, Time Magazine, Thursday, Oct. 16, 2008 

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

So What's Your Excuse? Butch Lumpkin Didn't Make Any

Okay, so my neighbor across the hall in the office building where I spend most of my life sends me this "interesting, must see" video clip.

This amidst 68 emails that came in just this morning.

If you're like me, you get a gazillion forwarded emails a day with someone wanting you to "check this out." Usually it's a ridiculous political opinion forwarded from "who knows where" attempting to raise your blood pressure and turn up the "anger and outrage thermostat" a notch or two.

Or worse yet, they want you to forward it to ten people you know for good luck or blessing and if not, who knows, you might be in for something dreadful.

Well, I stopped playing that game a long time ago, if I ever really did. You see, I choose who and what to let into my brain. Without being "pie in the sky" or "pollyanna," I choose to try to see the best in others and the best in even bad situations. Medical and University research confirms it's better and a healthier lifestyle.

It has been shown in clinical studies that unresolved bitterness, anger and unforgiveness does not hurt the person or issue that has ticked you off or made your blood boil. Not one bit.

Who it does hurt is you. Don't take my word for it. Do your own due diligence and PRIMARY research. There are cases of high blood pressure, strokes, heart attack and even cancer that can be traced back to what I call "Ebenezer Scrooge Syndrome," or E.S.S. ( I just made that up.)

So what's my point? Thanks for asking. If you think you have an excuse for not being successful, or feel you've gotten a raw deal... or better yet... you're waiting for the federal government to take care of you or improve your situation....

Then watch this incredible video from a guy who makes no excuses and has taken what he's been dealt in life and made the most of it. Whether or not you like or play golf, this is a must see. Be encouraged, there is hope and yes, there is light at the end of your tunnel!

And TAKE ACTION today to get out there and make a difference!

Check it out:

Don't worry, its from the Golf Channel, so its safe. Your thoughts?